Hopkins Cross Country Parent-Athlete Introduction Meeting
Our Program Mission Statement
The Hopkins cross country program seeks to create a positive culture where every athlete, regardless of natural ability, is
committed to achieving her very best, and to selflessly aiding those around her do the same. We want every athlete to
achieve the feeling of self-satisfaction that comes as a direct result of achieving her potential. We accomplish this through
steadfast support for the fundamental value of each team member within strict adherence to the team concept.
To accomplish this mission, we have six basic rules:
Rule #1: Be Here
● If you must miss practice, the athlete should contact a coach, in advance wherever possible.
● You must know the practice and meet schedule. Each event is mandatory.
Rule #2: Give Effort
● Make sure you have a watch so you can help govern your effort.
● Aim to be the best at getting better.
Rule #3: Control What You Can Control
● Please plan around our schedule to the greatest extent possible.
● This is a partnership – we will adjust to you as long as you do your best to work with us.
Rule #4: You Can Always Do More Than You Think You Can
● You must be brave enough to dream big.
● You have no idea how good you are, and you should be open to the possibility that you can do things you have never,
ever done.
Rule #5: Your Best Effort Is Good Enough
● You are good enough, just as you are. So just do your best.
● Mistakes made in pursuit of your very best are awesome, expected, and encouraged.
Rule #6: Live The Life
● You must strive to get enough sleep.
● You must strive to set limits on technology use.
● You must have a daily plan to get your homework done in order to get to bed on time.
● You must be prepared to eat often and enough, every day.
● You must take steps to be hydrated every day.
● You must be responsible to get enough iron in your diet, all the time.
● Your social and emotional health matters tremendously, and it’s OK to struggle. But it’s also important to seek help
when you need it.
● When you struggle with any or all of these things, you should talk to a teammate or coach.
● When you see a teammate struggling with any or all of these things, you should reach out to help.
● If you are a female, once your period begins, you should get it regularly.
NOTE: Whenever any of you struggle with any of these rules, it is the role of the coaching staff to support your effort to
grow and improve throughout the year as you pursue your very best. And we will do whatever we can to help you on your
**Replicated from Naperville North Girls’ Cross Country
Hopkins High School Cross Country Plan of Action
9th Grade:
● Join the team and don’t look back
● Associate with teammates with positive attitudes and work ethic
● Get involved in team’s social functions
10th Grade
● Commit to off season training
● Become a force of encouragement for others
● Train-Up a group when you can
11th Grade
● Increase your workload
● Be the “spirit” of the team
● Never miss a practice, meet or function
12th Grade
● Lead with a kind heart
● Perfect/complete every rep, drill, repeat
● Be the unflappable rock
**Replicated from Adam Kedge - Albuquerque Academy
Hopkins CC 2023 Schedule
Varsity (top 7 runners)
August 14 1st Day of practice 8am
Sat, Aug 26 Brave Like Gabe (Perham Invite) 9am
Thur. September 7 Hopkins Bauman/Rovn Invitational, Gale Woods Farm Minnetrista. 5:10pm
Sunday, Sept. 10 Finish the Run (Volunteer Day)Boom Island Park NE Minneapolis 8:30 am
Sat. Metro Sep 16, 2023 Invite Flying Cloud Fields (6:45 pm rolling start with JH)
Fri. September 22 Griak Invitational B-1:30pm
Sat. September 30 Willmar Invitational, 1pm rolling schedule (1st race V, JV, JH).
Friday, October 6 Stadium Hopkins CC Hoedown 3200 Time Trial (Hopkins team only) 6:30-8:30pm
Thur. October 12 Lake Conference Championships, Gale Woods, Minnetrista. 3:40
Wed October 25 Section 6 AAA Championships, Gale Woods Farm,Minnetrista.
Sat. November 4 MN State AAA Cross Country Championships, Les Bolstad U of M
Postseason XC
Sat/Sun. Nov. 12 Sioux Falls, SD NXN Heartland Regionals
Sat. Dec 2 NXN Nationals, Portland Oregon.
Junior Varsity (all runners grades 9-12)
Fri. August 25 NorthWoods Invite (2 mile)--JV and new to CC
Thur. September 7 Bauman/Rovn, Gale Woods Farm Minnetrista. 4pm
Sunday, Sept. 10 Finish the Run (Volunteer Day)Boom Island Park NE Minneapolis 8:30 am
Sat. Sep 16, 2023 Metro Invite Flying Cloud Fields (6:45pm rolling start)
Sat. September 23 Mustang Invite (Chippewa Middle School-10am)
Sat. October 30 Willmar Invitational, 1pm rolling schedule (1st race V, JV, JH).
Friday, October 6 Stadium Hopkins CC Hoedown 3200 Time Trial (Hopkins team only) 6:30-8:30pm
Thur. October 12 Lake Conference Championships, Gale Woods, Minnetrista.
Mon. October 23 Grade Level Championships, Bassett Creek.
Sunday, Nov TBD HopkinsCC Banquet
Postseason XC
Sun. Nov. 12 Sioux Falls, SD NXN Heartland Regionals
Middle School (all runners grades 6-8)
Athletes who begin on 8.14 and are ready, are eligible to race these by coach invitation:
Fri. August 25 NorthWoods Invite (2 mile)
Thur. September 7 Bauman/Rovn, Gale Woods Farm Minnetrista. 6:05pm
The races below are 1.5 miles, begin at 4:30 and are for all Jhi athletes
Thur. 9.14 Minnetonka East meet @Minnetonka East MIddle School
Sat. 9.16 Metro Invite Flying Cloud Fields (under the lights)
rolling start 6:45 elementary races begin
Thur. 9.21 Hopkins home meet @WJH
Thur. 10.5 Edina meet @ Pamela Park
Tues. 10.10 Minnetonka West meet @ Freeman Park
Mon. 10.16 Wayzata meet @Wayzata East Middle School
Tues. 10.24 Eden Prairie @ CMS Middle School Conference Meet
Saturday, 10.28 TENTATIVE Middle School State meet (by qualification)
Practice Schedule during our cross country season.
Monday thru Friday: after the school day (week 1-3 may vary see below). AM practices are optional.
Saturday practices will be at 8am. Location will be determined each week and announced in the athlete
Group me app on their phones.
August 14, Cross Country begins, 8am meet at and under the high ropes course near the stadium entrance.
Week #1: practice times 8-10am; Tue/Thursday- optional practice 3:30 weight room.
Week #2: practice times 3:45-5:45; optional practice Tue/Thur at 7am weight room.
Week #3: practice times 3:45-5:45; optional practice Mon/Thur at 7am weight room.
Week #4 - thru Nov. practice times 3:45-5:45 pm; morning am optional practice 2x per week TBD.
Saturday, August 19: Saturday annual Run and Cakes.
When: 8am.
Who: current athletes 6-12 + Parents/Guardians and siblings are welcome.
Where: Shady Oak Lake Parking Lot.
Athletes will be running their weekly “long run” on the adjoining trail.
Parents/Guardians and siblings are welcome to come run or walk the trail. Get familiar and social with
other Hopkins 6-12 families and coaches of our cross country community.
Pancakes will be made by the coaches and served to all following the run (walk by parents). We are fast
and really good-plenty of practice over the years.
Tuesday, August 22: 6:30pm Athletes/Parent Required Meeting with our Athletic Department at HHS Theater.
Following this meeting we will have a short 20 min gathering for just cross country families regarding: athlete spirit wear,
booster club, practice and school expectations for all 6-12 cross country athletes, information for pasta sign-ups parties
Tuesday, August 29: 7:30-8am -9-12 cross country runners have been asked to welcome our district staff before their
Wednesday, August 30: at HHS 9th and 10th graders will have a full day of school- “Orientation”
Tuesday, September 5th: Day 1 school begins 9-12 at HHS.
Sunday, September 9th: Finish the run event at Boom Island, Minneapolis. Our athletes will volunteer to help facilitate
this annual event. Arrival time - TBD the week of practice.
Tuesday, September 26: Annual Cross Country Fundraiser (for Adults only please) at Unmapped Brew Pub, Glen Lake.
Thursday, October 5: 9-12 Parent Teacher Conferences, no school, practice times likely at the same time.
Friday, October 6: Hopkins Race for the Pumpkins HoeDown Week Celebration 6-12 athletes and families.
Location: HHS Track Stadium, 7pm under the stadium lights.
Who: 6-12 cross country athletes (Families and friends encouraged to attend)
What: 6-8 middle school 1 mile; 9-12 high school 2 mile.
Why: “color shirt” Hopkins teams final competition of the week.
Thursday & Friday October 19/20: MEA break - practice times TBA.
Final Season 6-12 team celebration not finalized but a request has been made for Sunday, November 5 2pm-4pm.
2023 Hopkins Girls/Boys XC Lettering Requirements
Name: _______________________ Grade: ______
POINT OPTIONS (Minimum of 10 full points are required to earn a VARSITY Letter)
1. Complete season in good standing, TO QUALIFY!
○ bring positive energy to the program: Positive attitude and support of all runners.
○ follow all team expectations
■ Full attendance at all practices Monday-Saturday + ALL meets.
■ Good citizenship and sportsmanship: appropriate and respectful behavior at all practices and meets.
■ Active involvement: Fundraising kids track(spring), Raspberry Run; loading, setting up, taking down,
unloading of the tent and other XC equipment.
■ Academic communication: if work needs completion during practice time, coaches will be notified
BEFORE practice.
■ View the success of the team as paramount.
2. Optional points:
● Summer running log (must present to coaching staff) 2pt. _____
● Fundraisers/volunteer: 1pt “Finish the Run”; 1pt Raspberry Run help; _____
● Summer running camp participant 2pt. _____
● 3.25-3.74 cumulative GPA= 1pt; 3.75 + cumulative GPA (Q-1) 2pts _____
3. Time Standards (can only use one of the standards)
○ Sub 20:45 5K (Girls) Sub 18:00 5K (Boys) 5pts _____
○ Sub 21:30 5K (Girls) Sub 18:30 5K (Boys) 4pts _____
○ Sub 22:15 5K 5K (Girls) Sub 19:00 5K (Boys) 3pts _____
4. Competition (can use more than one for points) use Mile Split MN for result information.
○ Varsity racer 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
○ TOP (#1 finisher)Hopkins JV runner 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
○ JV runners #1-7 on winning JV team title 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
○ Winning Varsity team race (all varsity runners) 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
○ Varsity individual top 20 place in a race 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
○ JV individual top 10 place in a race 1pt. for each race _____
List races___________,____________,____________,_____________,_____________
5. Championship Meet Participant 1pt. for each race _____
(Lake Conference, Grade Levels, Section 6AA, State)
6. Minnesota State High School League State Cross Country Championships
● all qualifying State AAA runners 1-7 3pt. _____
● team alternates (JV #1-5 anytime during season) 2pt. _____
● team members that attend and support 1pt. _____
7. Seniors earn 1/2 point for each year on team from grades 7-‐12 Seniors ONLY _____
POINTS EARNED___________________
Hopkins Boys Cross Country Honor Roll 5K Sub 17 minute Club
All time on certified 5K courses (conference, section, state, national meets)
**Converted 5K time from 3 mile time
Name(grade) year time location/finish/extra
1. Seth Eliason (12) 2016 14:54.1 NXR+State 4th, NXN (37th place) 1600 Champ
2. Joe Klecker (12) 2014 15:12.5 2020 USA Olympian- 10K, 2023 World Team 10K
3. Suhayb Ali (12) 2022 15:20.5 NXR, State 12th place
4. Owen Hoeft (12) 2015 15:22.68 State 10th, ‘15 Team State Champs, NXN team 7th
5. Joe Klecker (10) 2012 15:25.8 MN State St. Olaf 3rd place
6. Bob Kempainen(12) 1983 15:28.2 U of M State Meet; 1992 Olympian-marathon
7. Mike Krisch 2003 15:30.6 St. Olaf, State 3rd, Georgetown 10k All-American
8. Tim Heisel 1970 15:32** (14:58.4), Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
9. Brian Whitley(12) 1990 15:34 7th place at MN State
10. Eli Hoeft (12) 2018 15:35.5 St. Olaf MN State Meet 6th place.
11. Jack Henschel (12) 2015 15:36 ‘15 Team State Champs, NXN team 7th,MN 4x800 ATR
12. Don Lee(12) 1973 15:39** (15:05) U of M Hopkins Eisenhower HS
13. Tony Provenzano (10) 2021 15:40.5 NXR Sioux Falls, All State (11th)
14. Landon Hering (11) 2022 15:41.6 NXR, 21st at state
15. David Van Orsdel(12) 2002 15:42.6 CA Foot Locker, ‘99, ‘01,’02 State Team Champs
16. Seth Eliason (11) 2015 15:42.8 ‘15 Team State Champ, NXN team 7th,MN 4x800 ATR
17. Steve Kempainen(12) 1982 15:44 U of M State, 2nd MN state. 3200m state champ
18. Peter Tollefson(12) 1998 15:45 St. Olaf MN State Meet 3rd place.State Team Champs
19. Owen Hoeft (11) 2014 15:46.7 St. Olaf MN State Meet 11th State 2nd place team
20. Ryan Malmin(12) 1999 15:48 State 3rd. State Champs ‘98, ’99 UofM All-American CC
21. David Larson(12) 1971 15:48**(15:15) Hopkins Lindbergh High School
22. Niko Schamanski (12) 2019 15:48.8 Litchfield Invite
23. Besufakad S-Tamrat(11) 2009 15:51.27 Gale Woods Bauman/Rovn, State 11 place
24. John Klecker (12) 2011 15:51.4 Gale Woods 6AA 3rd place, 9th at State
25. Hunter Staack (12) 2015 15:51.8‘15 Team State Champ, NXN team 7th,MN 4x800 ATR
26. Eli Hoeft (11) 2017 15:52.5 NXR, Sioux Falls (4:22.23, 3200= 9:35.87)
27. Dan Thimsen(12) 1973 15:52**(15:19)
28. Micah Danielson (12) 2003 15:53.6 St. Olaf State 12th. ‘01,’02 Team State Champs
29. Henry Hughes (12) 2017 15:54.8 NXR. Track-800=1:58.43, 1600=4:26.77
30. Sam Branson (12) 2015 15:55.4‘15 Team State Champ, NXN team 7th,MN 4x800 AT
31. Jim Sylvestre(12) 1975 15:57**(15:24) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
32. Todd Kempainen(12) 1975 15:59**(15:26) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
33. Laverne Dunsmore 1970 15:59** (15:24) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
34. Ben Haberman (11) 2019 15:59.6 Litchfield Invite
35. Mark Lindgren 1972 16:00**(15:27) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
36. Kent Nelson(12) 1979 16:01 Hopkins Lindbergh (ran 4:38 as 8th grader)
37. Steve Kempainen(11) 1981 16:02 Hopkins Eisenhower HS
38. Wright Laufenberg 1983 16:02 (ran (9:23.4 3200m)
39. Mark Lindgren 1972 16:02** (15:27), Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
40. Penn Sagedahl (12) 2018 16:03.9 Gale Woods 6AA, 9th place, State 42nd (16:19)
41. Garrott Kuzzy(12) 2001 16:05 St. Olaf MN State, 2010 Olympian Nordic
42. Jim Sylevestre (11) 1974 16:05** (15:30), Hopkins Eisenhower HS
43. Jim Herold 1971 16:05** (15:30), Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
44. Dave Piehl 1978 16:06**(15:32), Hopkins Lindbergh HS
45. Matt Shadow(12) 1996, 16:07 St. Olaf MN State (State 5th 4:22., 4th 9:33.8)
46. Seth Eliason (10) 2014 16:07.8 Lake Gale Woods 8th place(State 2nd place team)
47. Sam Branson (12) 2015 16:09.03 Conference 11th place; 25 mn state meet
48. Sam Gausmann (12) 2021 16:09.6 Section 6AAA, 9th place, State Qualifier
49. Craig Rasmussen(12) 1976 16:09 (15:34), Brookview Golf Course
50. Jack Henschel (11) 2014 16:10.0 lake Gale Woods 12th place(State 2nd place team)
51. Leo Goodman (11) 2019 16:10.1 Litchfield Invite
52. Alex Wormuth (12) 2018 16:10.9 Gale Woods 6AA 15th place, State 68th (16:29)
53. Dave Vanek (10) 1970 16:10 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
54. Reed Fischer (12) 2012 16:11.3 Gale Woods,NCAA 10k All-American(Drake);2:10 marathon
55. Joe Klecker (9) 2011 16:11.4 6AA 8th; state qualifier (track 3200 9:33.44)
56. William Hawthorn(12) 2002 16:11 St. Olaf MN State Meet (‘01,’02 Team State Champs)
57. Steve Giese 1975 16:11**(15:37) Hopkins Lindbergh
58. Joe Klecker (11) 2013 16:11.7 Gale Woods 6AA section meet (8th place)
59. Doug DeBold(12) 2006 16:13.1 Gale Woods 6AA. (track 1600=4:16.70)
60. Jack Henschel (10) 2013 16:13.5 MN State Meet St. Olaf. (29th place)
61. Hunter Staack (11) 2014 16:13.9 Lake Gale Woods 14th place (State team 2nd place)
62. Jim Herold 1972 16:14**(15:40) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
63. Buddy Lee 1981 16:16 (ran 4:38 as an 8th grader), Hopkins Lindbergh
64. Dan Heinze 1987 16:16 Hopkins High School
65. Zach McGill(12) 2005 16:17.0 Gale Woods 6AA Section meet, State Qualifier
66. Craig Rasmussen(11) 1975 16:17**(15:43) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
67. Kia Richter(12) 1989 16:17 Hopkins High School
68. Sam Branson (11) 2014 16:20 St. Olaf MN State Meet 53rd (State team 2nd place)
69. Sam Jacobwith(12) 2011 16:20.0 Gale Woods Lake. track800= 1:54.95
70. Leo Goodman (12) 2020 16:20.7 Gale Woods Lake Conference (Pandemic)
71. Ben Haberman (10) 2018 16:20.8 Gale Woods 6AA, 23rd place
72. Don Wille (12) 1975 16:20**(15:46) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
73. Mike Miller (12) 1977 16:20**(15:45) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
74. Don Wille(11) 1974 16:21** (15:46) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
75. Bill Johnson 1976 16:21**(15:47) Hopkins Lindbergh HS
76. Andy Erickson 1993 16:22 1998 USA Olympian Biathalon Team
77. Yesper Hoffman(12) 2017 16:23 NXR, Sioux Falls
78. Mike Bialick(12) 1999 16:23 St. Olaf State; State Team Champs ‘98, ’99.
79. Chris Ringsven(12) 1990 16:23 HHS Nordic Coach 1997-1999
80. Logan Drevlow (8) 2022 16:23.9 Bauman/Rovn
81. Eli Hoeft (10) 2016 16:24.1 NXR, Sioux Falls, State Qualifier
82. Dave Soules 1977 16:24**(15:50) Hopkins Lindbergh HS
83. Ben Haberman (12) 2020 16:24.5 Gale Woods, Lake Conference “Pandemic Race”
84. Brian Whitley 1990 16:27 Section 6AA
85. Doug Hess 1975 16:27**(15:53) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
86. Phil Evenstad 1976 16:27**(15:53) Hopkins Lindbergh HS
87. Owen Hoeft (9) 2012 16:27.8 Gale Woods Conference Meet
88. Leo Goodman (10) 2018 16:28.1 Gale Woods 6AA, 25th place
89. Mike Miller(12) 1976 16:28**(15:54) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
90. Thomas Heegaard (11) 2011 16:30.0 Gale Woods 6AA 14th
91. Don Chelberg 1973 16:30** (15:54) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
92. Todd Kempainen(11) 1974 16:31** (15:55) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
93. John Coequyt 1987 16:32
94. Gary Lee 1971 16:32** (15:56) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
95. Mike Mueller(10) 2004 16:34.0 Gale Woods 6AA
96. Burgess Johnson 1972 16:34**(15:59) , Hopkins Lindbergh
97. Tony Smith 1974 16:34**(15:59) , Hopkins Lindbergh
98. Mark Olson 1985 16:34
99. Craig Rassumssen 1975 16:34**(15:58) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
100. Jim Waldo 1977 16:34** (15:59) Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower HS
101. Colby Branch (12) 2019 16:34.7 Litchfield Invite
102. Suhayb Ali (9) 2019 16:35.1 NXR Souix Falls, SD
103. Kent Thometz 1974 16:37 (16:02) ‘80 + ‘84 Olympian Team Speed Skater
104. Steve Clock 1977 16:37**(16:02) , Hopkins Eisenhower
105. Michael Mueller(9) 2003 16:37.5 St. Olaf State (Team 5th)
106. Scott Gibbs 1970 16:38** (16:02) Hopkins Eisenhower
107. Jim Cullen 1984 16:39
108. Craig Ringsven 1995 16:39
109. Landon Hering (10)2021 16:39.9 NXR Sioux Falls, All Conference
110. Will Jones (12) 2012 16:40.8 Gale Woods 6AA section meet (20th place)
111. Bruce Holland 1970 16:40** (16:04) Hopkins Eisenhower
112. Phil Bremer 1987 16:41
113. Kyle Rossow(12) 2010 16:42 Gale Woods Lake 13th, Hopkins CC coach
114. Steve Reike (12) 2003 16:42.3 State St. Olaf
115. Colby Branch (11) 2018 16:43.0 Gale Woods 6AA, 37th place
116. Craig Handel 1974 16:43**(16:08) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
117. Gary Lee 1972 16:43**(16:08) Hopkins Eisenhower HS
118. Bridger Pavelka(12) 2015 16:44 NXR Sioux Falls, ‘15 State Champs, NXN team 7th
119. John Klecker(11) 2010 16:44 Lucky Lindy Invite
120. Suhayb Ali (11) 2021 16:44.2 Lake Conference
121. Logan Drevlow (7) 2021 16:44.7 Section 6AAA
122. Niko Schmanski (10) 2017 16:45.2 NXR, Sioux Falls
123. Tim Lewandowski(12) 1998 16:45.6 St. Olaf MN State Meet 98 Team State Champs
124. Colin Bredeson (12) 1998 16:45.9 St. Olaf MN State Meet ‘98 Team State Champ)
125. Eli Hoeft (9th) 2015 16:46.4 NXR, ‘15 State Champs, NXN team 7th
126. Owen Hoeft (10) 2013 16:46.4 Gale Woods 6AA section meet (28th place)
127. Jim Waldo 1977 16:47**(16:12) Hopkins Eisenhower
128. Greg Thaemert 1979 16:47**(16:12) Hopkins Eisenhower
129. Sam Gausmann 2019 16:47.1 Litchfield Invite
130. Tom Waldo 1976 16:48**(16:13) Hopkins Eisenhower
131. Ron Cameron 1978 16:48**(16:13) Hopkins Lindbergh
132. Russ Radzeij 1982 16:48
133. Paul Weiler (12) 2016 16:49 Gale Woods (Bauman Rovn)
134. Dave Smith 1974 16:49**(16:14)
135. Jack Henschel (9) 2012 16:49.2 Gale Woods 6AA section meet (24th)
136. Geoff Lee 1979 16:49**(16:14)
137. Dan VanOrsdel(12) 2004 16:50.0 Gale Woods 6AA Section meet
138. Jacob Parker (12) 2013 16:50.2 Gale Woods 6 AA section meet (30) (track 800=1:56.51)
139. Hunter Staack (10) 2013 16:50.7 Gale Woods 6 AA section meet (31st)
140. Sam Newcomer 2004 16:51.0 Gale Woods 6AA Section meet
141. Dave Bull 1972 16:51**16:16) , Hopkins Eisenhower
142. Eric Carlson 1978 16:51**(16:16) Hopkins Lindbergh
143. Sam Newcommer(9) 2003 16:51.5 St. Olaf State (Team 5th)
144. Alec Wormuth (11) 2017 16:52, @ NXR, Sioux Falls
145. Niko Schmanski (9) 2016 16:52,, NXR Sioux Falls SD
146. Carl Schuessler 1998 16:52.7 St. Olaf MN State Meet(‘98 Team State Champs)
147. Wayne Murphy 1986 16:52
148. Dan VanOrsdel(10) 2003 16:53.0 St. Olaf State (Team 5th place)
149. Carlos Rybeck(12) 2003 16:52.2 St. Olaf State (Team 5th place)
150. Paul Sandholm 1971 16:53**(16:18) , Hopkins Lindbergh
151. Jey Carlson(12) 1982 16:53 Coached Nordic at HHS
152. Brett Nelson (12) 2014 16:55.3 St. Olaf MN State.(State team 2nd place)
153. Neil Stokes 1976 16:54**(16:19) , Hopkins Lindbergh
154. Eric Holm 1977 16:55**(16:20) , Hopkins Lindbergh
155. Steve Kobs 1973 16:55**(16:20) , Hopkins Lindbergh; former HHS coach
156. Chris Younger 1978 16:55**(16:20) , Hopkins Lindbergh
157. Dale Hansen 1979 16:55**(16:20) , Hopkins Lindbergh
158. David Forster(12) 2006 16:57.4 Gale Woods 6AA Section meet
159. Pat Galagher (12) 2011 16:58.2 Gale Woods 6AA 27th place
160. Kurt Jewell 1985 16:58
161. Jack Deichert (12) 2006 16:59.3 Gale Woods 6AA; HamlineD3 All-American 150
Hopkins Girls Cross Country Honor Roll 5K Sub 20 minute Club
All time on certified 5K courses (conference, section, state, national meets) *indicates a 4K time converted
Name(grade) Year Time location/finish/extra
1. Sydney Drevlow (9) 2021 17:10.7 NXR Sioux Falls, 3rd,2nd at MN State, Conference champ
1. Sydney Drevlow (10) 2022 17:16.8 NXR 4th place (nationals qualifier), 2nd at MN State
2. Sydney Drevlow(7) 2019 17:46.8 NXR Sioux Falls, SD 9th overall. 6th at MN State
3. Daphne Grobstein (9) 2021 17:57.0 NXR Sioux Falls, 12th, 3rd at MN State, All Conference
4. Shannon Bergstedt (11) 2002 18:00* (Set MN All Time records in 3200m) 7X state champ
5. Sydney Drevlow (8) 2020 18:06.0 6AA Gale Woods “Pandemic Race”; 7th at “Club State”
6. Laci Provenzano (11) 2019 18:07.6 Litchfield Invite.
7. Emily Schwitzer (11) 2005 18:10* 2008 IAAF- 28th at the World Junior XC Championship
8. Colleen Flaherty (12 ) 1997 18:20* state 800m & 3200m champ, Metro Scholar-ATY.
9. Shannon Bergstedt (10) 2001 18:23 Griak, U of M
10. Renae Anderson (11) 2015 18:25.8, NXR, Sioux Falls, (MN Nordic Champ)
11. Bit Klecker (12) 2016 18:31 NXR, Sioux Falls (Ran Sub 5 min 2x for 1600m)
12. Elsa Bergman (10) 2019 18:31.6 Litchfield Invite
13. Angie Henry (8) 2004 18:38*
14. Courtney Dauwalter (12) 2002 18:39* (2018 USA 24 hour record holder 159 miles)
15. Renae Anderson (12) 2016 18:44 Chaska Lions (NCAA Qualifier Nordic)
16. Shannon Bergstedt (12) 2003 18:46.4 Griak, U of M
17. Elsa Bergman (12) 2021 18:44.27 MN State, St. Olaf 11th placeSection 6AAA, 4th place
18. Isabel Hall (10) 2012 18:52* NXR, Sioux Falls
19. Emily Schwitzer (10) 2004 18:55.4 Griak, U of M
20. Sarah Klecker (12) 2012 18:56* NXR, Sioux Falls, (Bowerman TC athlete)
21. Daphne Grobstein (10) 2022 19:06.3 Bauman/Rovn, MN state 26th
22. Courtney Dauwalter (11) 2001 19:09.3 Griak, U of M
23. Marla Bailey (7) 2012 19:10*
24. Hannah Jocelyn (12) 2009 19:14*
25. Becca Tollefson (10) 2003 19:14*
26. Elisabeth Klecker (11) 2015 19:15.2
27. Stephanie Block (12) 2002 19:17*
28. Angie Henry (9) 2005 19:18.9 Griak, U of M
29. Mary Klecker (12) 2011 19:20*
30. Elisabeth Klecker (8) 2012 19:21*
31. Grace Burgess (9) 2017 19:21.9 Sioux Falls
32. Kay Njaka (11) 1999 19:24*
33. Kalie Danielson (9) 2002 19:24*
34. Laci Provenzano(9) 2017 19:25.0 NXR Sioux Falls
35. Julia Espel (11) 1999 19:26*
36. Lucy Avenson (9) 2015 19:29.4 NXR, Sioux Falls
37. Laci Provenzano (10) 2018 19:29.8 6AA Gale Woods
38. Elle Yesnes (11) 2007 19:29*
39. Julia Espel (12) 2000 19:30* @Bassett Creek (MIT Academic All-American)
40. Tovah Ackerman (9) 2001 19:31*
41. Kayla Goeman (11) 2009 19:33*
42. Kayla Goeman (12) 2010 19:34.0 NXR, Sioux Falls, (St. Thomas All American 2:09.72 800)
43. Mary Klecker (12) 2011 19:34.7
44. Grace Burgess (10) 2018 19:36.1 Conference, Gale Woods
45. Selam Shannon-Tamrat (11) 2009 19:38*
46. Kayla Goeman (11) 2009 19:39.0 NXR, Sioux Falls
47. Daphne Grobstein (8) 2020 19:39.5 Club State Pandemic Race-Atwater MN
48. Lucy Avenson(10) 2016 19:40 NXR, Sioux Falls
49. Hannah Jocelyn(12) 2009 19:42.0 NXR, Sioux Falls
50. Marguerite Geise (12) 2022 19:40.39 Lake Conference
51. Laci Provenzano (12) 2020 19:42.1 Club State Pandemic Race-Atwater MN
52. Becca Tollefson (10) 2003 19:43.0 Griak, U of M
53. Theresa Versen (11) 2015 19:44.53 6AA, Gale Woods
54. Maddie Hinck (12) 2012 19:47*
55. Theresa Versen(12) 2016 19:51 Sioux Falls, SD
56. Emily Schwitzer (12) 2006 19:52.0 Griak, U of M
57. Collen Flaherty (8) 1993 19:52.6 Griak, U of M
58. Hallie Espel (9) 2002 19:53*
59. Sarah Klecker (11) 2011 19:53.2, NXR, Sioux Falls
60. Lily Provenzano(11) 2017 19:54.4 NXR, Sioux Falls
61. Becca Tollefson (11) 2004 19:54.7 Griak, U of M
62. Lucy Avenson(11) 2017 19:55.0 NXR, Sioux Falls
63. Kalie Danielson (8) 2001 19:58.5 Griak, U of M
64. Becca Tollefson (8) 2001 19:59.3 Griak, U of M
Girls Hopkins All Time XC 2mile (pre-4K and pre 5K)
1. Toni St. Pierre 1973 11:59 U of M , Eisenhower
(1973 US National Record 880y 2:18.3)
2. Mary Luke 1975 12:04.6 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
3. Kathy Olson 1976 12:07 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
4. Sue Clark, 1977 12:12 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Lindbergh
5. Sheila Schoenfelder 1976 12:22 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Lindbergh
6. Linda Grimm 1977 12:25 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Lindbergh
7. Vida McQueen 1972 12:34 U of M Golf Course, Hopkins Eisenhower
8. Gridget Gleason 1976 13:09 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Lindbergh
9. Carolyn Lanin 1976 13:15 Lake Nokomis, Hopkins Eisenhower
**work in progress