Pasta Parties
Pre-meet pasta parties are for all Jr. High, JV, and Varsity Cross Country Athletes as noted on each of the meet dates. These are a great way to build team spirit and get ready for the next day's meet! Athletes can carpool to attend pasta parties right after practice - or walk to the dining room if hosted at the High School!
See the info below for information on pasta parties this fall.
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to bring food, set up and serve at 4pm. Others can help at 5:30pm with cleanup. Please sign up to help at a pasta party below.
Click the sign up to help button for more information and directions to the host location.
September 04, 2019
At Hopkins North Jr. High
Bauman/Rovn Meet Pasta Party
All Invited - Jr. Hi, JV, Varsity
12th Graders bring desserts
Host: Burgess/Allen
September 20, 2019
Location: Hopkins High School
Milaca Mega Meet
JV, Varsity Only and Invited Jr. Hi
11th Graders bring dessert
Host: Janet Sanford
September 27, 2019
Location: Leerum Residence (click for directions)
Willmar Invitational
October 09, 2019
Location: Hopkins High School
Lake Conference Championships
JV, Varsity Only
10th Graders Bring Dessert
Host: Dan Firehammer and BJ Harris
November 03, 2019
Location: Hopkins High School
Season Celebration Banquet
3:00PM to 5:00PM
All athletes and parents are invited to a celebration of the season.
Dessert and beverages provided.