Spring Break Travel
At the end of the week, we will send a message to Hopkins families offering guidance for spring break travel and also information about how to access free COVID-19 saliva testing. Hopkins is not able to monitor the travel activities of families or staff, but we can share the guidance as provided by CDC and MDH guidelines. These guidelines are as follows:
Although out of state travel is discouraged, MDH recommends a quarantine period of 14 days after returning to Minnesota.
After returning to Minnesota, it is recommended that families and scholars test 3-5 days later.
International travel requires a negative COVID test to return to the United States.
Those who received their second vaccination more than two weeks before their travel date can travel without a recommended quarantine.
Those who decide to travel should consider the community spread in the area they are visiting, their ability to socially distance, their close contacts and whether they have had the opportunity to get vaccinated.
We realize our first week of practice coincides with Spring Break. We will start the season on March 29. However, we will also provide workouts for athletes planning to be away for break and will be excited to have you back when you are able to return after break. If this includes some quarantine days from school, this will be excused.